Violente super light game VLSL-77AM-SS I could notwait andwant to testit.
After a short nap of an hour, making coffee on gas, get me some food to eat
during the day, it all went into the cooler and forward way.
Almost alone on the road, enjoying good air quality accompaniment of good
The familiar landmarks of the road suddenly look a bit different. When you are
looking for serenity all you normally see in everyday life suddenly gets a different "color".
Enjoying every minute ride and the views along the way.
Kinneretcomesearly,all empty. In three hourstheareawill be
About two hoursof fishingcichlids(Tilapia), a
little pissedbig fishdid not
attack. Allthe fishwere very small.
Take the opportunity to try the rod with some new lures.
most surprising fishing rod.
Flipping the small lure like a rocket.
Length "7'7
Self weight 87 grams
- so light it almost floats in the air.
Casting weights - 0.4 to 7 grams.
Strength Wire - 6 LB
All the slightest touch immediately felt. All weakest vibration felt even
Really fun!
Makes a short coffee break with energy snack.
Returns back to the car and forward towards the Jordan
I really missed this place ...
Slather myself in sunscreen and forward into the water.
The action starts immediately.
Find places with shade trees to rest and relax, and to fish.
Standing under the trees, stream lures releases, they float and once they get
to the right place gives attraction and put them in water. Easy job ...
Now I understand that I must buy a camera against water. Many things I did not
photograph because of the complicated process of standing in the stream and
take the camera without it going to get wet.
Do not worry it will come.
Of course, allfishwere released.So much fun!
At some pointwhenthe attackscalmed downa bit, I saton the
bank andjust enjoyedthe waterflownoiseandthe soundof nature.
I did not wantto leave,I wasall alone, really
fun. Whenassimilated into theenvironmentis unbelievablehownaturesurroundingyou.Birdslandingon branchesnearby, just 40cmaway. Passingwater
I wouldhappilystaybutshouldreturn. All the way backI runin my headthelastday. What fun. Comes homeloadedwith positive energies. New weekwithmy headclean.
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